Our North Star
The Vision

The Mission
What Sets Us Apart
Technologically Savvy, Socially Responsible
We pride ourselves on being responsible custodians. The solutions we build and implement are beneficial not only for our customers, but also for the communities they are a part of. We exist to prevent interruptions within everyday routines, ensuring our clients and their customers remain focused on making a large impact with their lives.
HSB’s storied legacy includes a focus on empowering future talent within the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) community through internship programs with local colleges as well as workshops designed to welcome a diverse range of learners who may one day pursue careers within the STEM industries. To further foster interest in these technical communities from a young age, current HSB CEO Greg Barats is a board member at the Connecticut Children’s Science Center where he liaises with community and educational leaders as they seek to discover new ways to introduce children to STEM.

Greater Hartford Arts Council
Building a strong sense of respect for culture and creativity is vital to keeping children engaged as they become lifelong learners. We support the Greater Hartford Arts Council, helping to maintain more than 150 local arts organizations and enabling over 100,000 students to participate in vibrant artistic clubs and communities.

United Way
Giving back to the community is an incredibly rewarding act. Our work with United Way has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to help children stay on track for higher education, connect those who need it with the best health services available, and support families on their path towards financial security.