Steam As A Service

Steam-as-a-Service for Hospitals

Leave your steam-generation needs in the hands of experts, so you can focus on those who matter most: your patients.

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    Steam: The Lifeblood of the Enterprise

    Hospitals are the guardians of our most valuable asset: our health. There’s no room for failure. And steam is mission-critical. But steam generation in many hospitals is vulnerable to a rising tide of concerns — aging steam infrastructure, workforce challenges, scarce capital — the list goes on. Steam-as-a-Service (SaaS) offers a solution. It’s an all-in-one approach to steam.

    SaaS offers the reliability and redundancy you require, and the clean steam you need, at lower overall cost, with efficiency and efficacy guarantees baked into the package. It’s a way to outsource your steam needs, for greater peace of mind.

    No capital required. Replace your legacy steam system with state-of-the-art, next-gen IoT boiler technology, with no capital expenditures. Let us take care of design, build, operations, maintenance, and efficiency and efficacy guarantees, all for a predictable monthly payment. With SaaS, the cost to overhaul your steam system moves from CapEx to OpEx.

    No more costly redundancies. A hospital has to be ready for anything — that means always having backup, even for steam generation. With large, traditional boilers, meeting required redundancy standards often means running twice the capacity you need, just in case. With the SaaS modular, small-boiler design, backup boilers reach full heat in five minutes. Generate only the steam you need, knowing backup is at the ready in almost no time.

    No more downtime worries. The SaaS system is a flexible system. Thanks to the modular, multi-unit boiler design, fixes don’t mean a system shutdown — you can stagger maintenance per unit, so you stay operational. The same applies to inspections.

    No more midnight phone calls. SaaS comes with onsite expertise. If an issue arises, our team knows beforehand, thanks to advanced IoT. And that means we’ll typically have someone on site before you even have to ask. Operations, maintenance, and administration are part of the SaaS solution — you can leave HR and coverage worries to us.

    No more compliance headaches. Let us ensure that your system is delivering the steam you need. Steam has a big job in hospitals — providing heat and hot water, sanitization and sterilization, making sure proper humidity is maintained. Our onsite experts and system guarantees ensure that you can rest easy, knowing that your facility’s steam is being monitored and maintained by seasoned professionals — and we’ll make it up to you if performance ebbs.

    Let us take care of your steam, so you can take care of the people who need you most.

    Steam-as-a-Service | A New Approach to Steam

    We’d love to talk with you about how SaaS can work for your enterprise. Get in touch today to learn how this innovative new offering can put your steam needs in the hands of experts, so you can focus on what you do best.