Steam as a service

Steam-as-a-Service for Pharma

Leave your steam-generation needs in the hands of experts, so you can focus on what matters most.

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    Exacting Standards

    Pharma is a high-stakes business. The risks — and regulatory requirements — can be significant. Unmatched quality and precision are required. But uncertainty is part of the game; agility is key. Steam-as-a-Service (SaaS) offers a new way to meet your needs. It’s a scalable approach to steam.

    Scalable steam. With SaaS, you generate only the steam you need — whether it’s clean steam for sanitation and sterilization, steam for the production process, steam to heat the facility, or all of the above. The multi-unit, on-demand boiler design allows you to scale production up or down, within just minutes. That eliminates costly redundancies that aging steam infrastructure often requires. And the modular, small-footprint boiler design also allows you to increase capacity dramatically, with additional units, if the need arises. It’s steam that can scale with you.

    High-tech steam. Advanced IoT technology gives the Steam-as-a-Service solution the reliability and uptime your enterprise demands. Next-gen sensors, access to more data, and predictive modeling mean we can know about problems before they happen; remote troubleshooting can deliver fixes from afar, and, for any in-person fixes required, staggered, maintenance means no unplanned downtime.

    Sustainable steam. The SaaS model lowers your environmental footprint. The high-efficiency system design cuts fuel needs — by as much as 20 percent — and it uses less water, and lowers emissions. It’s a greener approach to steam, to help you reach your sustainability goals.

    Guaranteed steam. HSB’s time-tested guarantees are part of the Steam-as-a-Service offering. We take on the risk for you. If the SaaS solution doesn’t meet certain efficiency and efficacy benchmarks, we make it up to you, financially. And those guarantees are bespoke, written to cover the processes that matter most to your business.

    No capital required. With SaaS, you can replace your legacy steam system with state-of-the-art boiler technology, with no capital expenditures. Let us take care of design, build, operations, maintenance, and efficiency and efficacy guarantees, all for a predictable monthly operational expense. In other words, steam generation moves from CapEx to OpEx. It’s a 21st-century approach to steam. 

    Steam-as-a-Service | A New Approach to Steam

    We’d love to talk with you about how SaaS can work for your enterprise. Get in touch today to learn how this innovative new offering can put your steam needs in the hands of experts, so you can focus on what you do best.